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We’ve been cracking our way down the track. Folks, please bear with us as we roll out our new shit. New audio mixes on their way to bandcamp and soundcloud. Obviously, there is an order to this process much like climbing a mountain – you don’t usually take a heli to the summit. Not unless you consider listening to us an uplifting experience…. Ok enough rambling. This is how A.D.D. works. Listen as we harness it…. Oh and by the way – we’ve got big video releases ahead for PATREON. That’s where you can find our NEWEST VIDEOS!!! Do you have the heart to buy the ticket and take a little ride with us!?!? WE DONT’T BITE but Hank might. He’s a freak from outer-space and you just never know what you might get with freaks from outer space. I cite weirdos such as Alf who fed on house cats and other freaks like GIZMO. Ffuuuuuuck that guy!!!

speaking of cute and deadly

I made this picture just for you! 🤐 -TP

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