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So this is it huh? The place where you go to sell your stuff? That’s exactly it.

Consider it a boutique of forward thinking thought. A place to reflect on how you might be able to make your own tracks in this crazy, tangled world we live in. This page will be full of tips and tricks related to music and video production. Will feature updates on what’s going on in the world of Pretzels & History. This spot will also feature certain items for sale. Keep an eye out for exclusive content and new designs…

Now that you get the picture. You are ready do dive deeper into the mystery of what our exclusive content is all about. This clever homage to pretzel rolls for example. It shows off our dedication to the task of combing art and baked goods once and for all in digital format.

The nostalgia runs thick

So. What is Pretzels & History and why should I give a shit?

Because you like our style. And the substance we bring (or lack of). What began as the glimmer of hope in the eye of a child, soon evolved into the epic story of a lifetime. Here we can see our quest’s hero, Kimmy B summoning help from a brave and bold chef, in her quest to find the perfect pretzel!

How about taking a walk after all of that pretzel drama? What started as a first step into the realm of investigative snack related work wasn’t a small one. We infiltrated Shuey’s Pretzels in Lebanon, Pennsylvania and garnered their approval.

The business had been staked out by myself the night before so we could carry out our plan. We walked right in and straight back into “the kitchen”. I’m using quotations because the term “oven room” or “baking room” both seem more appropriate. The place was warm but but not hot. It was bearable temperature-wise.

The lighting conditions were sub-optimal but thankfully, the iPhone SE delivers well in low lighting conditions. Everything seemed perfect except for a bell that rang every time a customer placed an order. The bell ringing was enough to make my teeth grind. I can only imagine what it must be like having to listen to that sound over and over. That, combined with work of constantly shuffling pretzels in and out of a giant brick oven by hand every day must surely not be for everyone.

What’s worse, the stress of the pandemic was adding to the situation in that it had possibly contributed to the death of a family member of a family owned business.Regardless of all of this, business remained strong as was indicated by their line of customers that extended out the door, down the concrete pathway and out to the sidewalk.

Oh that’s right, we are here to sell stuff… check out this shirt!
