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WTF Is That!? (NSFW)

Every once in a while we see something that makes us say: “WHAT the FUCK is that!?”

It’s like the imagery in front of us is just not processing. Our mind rejects it and say’s “this simply can’t be!” or even worse, we enter a state of confusion and failure to process.

For those not familiar with the farmer’s market in Lebanon County, it is one of over 8000 farmer’s markets in the US. Located on the third floor of the building is a restaurant whose theme may seem perplexing.

The answer to why a restaurant might be named after a league solely comprised of redheaded individuals is actually so easy you might call it elementary.

What made this theme interestingly appropriate was that it carried the same name as a book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The book first appeared in The Strand Magazine in August 1891.

In the novel The Red Headed League by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle exists a made-up character by the name of Ezekiah Hopkins. The character is a member of a league known as The Red Headed league based out of Lebanon, PA. USA.

The story is absolutely hilarious and I suggest you check it out for yourself.

The next WTF moment was brought to us by our old friend, Reddit. Yes, it is true. The New England Journal of medicine did publish a study showing a twenty percent increase in firearm related deaths amongst children and adolescents within the last ten years. A large portion of that increase, nearly half of it came between 2019 and 2020.

Maybe it was a slow news day? It’s hard for me to believe that no-one in the newsroom or police force was able to float the idea to these guys that those four objects might be drones. The original video goes on for more than a minute after the clip ends and not once do they mention anything about drones. This is some prime WTF material right here.

A Serge Gainsbourg tribute, performed by some French kids. This video has been around a while. I recently saw it posted in r/cringe. As you can see in the film a group of adolescent males dressed in matching detail performed a tribute song to Serge Gainsbourg a French musician. They impersonated the artist who is known for such notable songs as Je T’aime …Moi Nom Plus and Harley David Son of a Bitch.

So, in 1988, an (unknown) French TV Station produced this crazy video as a tribute. We applaud the effort and the concept. If anyone takes offense to to taking humor in the video, I question if they misinterpret the humor found in any kind of satire.

In a touching gesture, the lyrics were changed to reflect their gratitude for his work so you can see why he might be all teary-eyed.

Serge’s “J’e suis venu te dire que je m’en vais” (“I came to tell you that I’m leaving”) was changed to “On est venu te dire qu’on t’aime bien” (We came to tell you that we like you). 
